Buxheti i kosoves 2015 pdf formular

Kosoves dhe institucioneve tjera publike te perfshira ne procesin e hartimit te buxhetit. Neni 5 ndarjet buxhetore te buxhetit te pergjithshem te kosoves 1. Keto masa dhe veprime, krahas institucioneve te nivelit qendror, duhet te zbatohen edhe nga niveli lokal. Szhmb sistemi i zhvillimit per menaxhimin e buxhetit bdms. Portali eshte portal i pavarur informativ dhe me i vizituar ne gjuhen shqipe. Its mission is based on the convictions of the press code of kosovo. Kur nga pranimi i nje deklarate doganore lind nje borxh doganor, mallrat e perfshira me deklarate nuk. Viti shkollor 2015 2016 cdo vit viti paraprak shkollor viti shkollor i tanishem 20162017 fundi i vitit shkollore te planif. This is a milestone on kosovos path towards a european future.

Jane identifikuar objektet e braktisura neper lagjet e qytetit qe paraqesin rrezik per qytetaret dhe pronen e tyre. The border crossing point kulla is located int eh northwest part of peja city, with sea level of 1250 meters and started to work on 14022000 at the time as constituent part of cs peja. Statistical yearbook of the republic of kosovo has been published for the first time in 2014 as one of the most special, the most important and the most comprehensive edition of the kosovo agency of statistics. P2 te mbajtura m2 ndryshimi n2p2m2 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii gjithsej 1. Plani i veprimit dhe buxheti plani i veprimit dhe buxheti jane hartuar per gjithe periudhen e zbatimit te planit zhvillimor te arsimit, duke filluar nga viti 2018, perfundimisht me vitin 2022. Federata e futbollit e kosoves football federation of kosova. Viti qe perfundon me 31 dhjetor 2015 viti qe perfundon me 31 dhjetor shenimi 2015 2014 h te hyrat h. Sherbimi informativ i kosoves more commonly known by its albanian acronym shik was an underground intelligence organization credited with postwar murders of political figures in kosovo. Koinieioni qendror i zgjedhjeve centiralna lzborna. Buxheti i kosoves 2015 pdf military bounderby have higher class status in hard times, dickens ironically describe them as honorable gentlemen who cause immense destruction both in educational and economical institutions.

Statistical yearbook of the republic of kosovo for 2015. Call for application grants administrative instruction mafrd no. Strategjia parasheh masa dhe veprime konkrete per te siguruar perfshirjen e plote te komuniteteve rom dhe ashkali ne shoqerine kosovare. Republika e kosoves libri i proceseve per menaxhimin e. Business climate indicator bci, in points 15 graph 6. Rregullorja eshte e ndare ne seksione ku pershkruhet perdorimi i automjeteve, pervoja ne vozitje, mirembajtja, raportimi i aksidenteve, keshilla per vozitje dhe te sigurise, dhe. Disa nga keto shpenzime duhet te mbulohen nga buxheti. Pck is established in september, 2005 with the help of osce mission in kosovo, however, the office of pck has started its activity in december, 2005. Vendim per emerimin e ekipit punues per themelimin e institu.

Ndarjet buxhetore nga fondi i kosoves per vitin fiskal 2018, sic jane paraqitur ne tabelat. Kjo strategji reflekton bashkepunimin e ngushte dhe konsensusin e shume partnereve, te cilet i kontribuojne zhvillimit te ketij procesi qofte ne nivelin qendror e lokal te shoqerise civile, te organizatave profesionale. Shtepite e bukura te kosoves shtepia e afrim tullarit 23. Ekonomia e kosoves dhe be s kapitulli 2 slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. European commission press release details page european commission fact sheet brussels, 10 november 2015 enlargement package the report on kosovo is part of the 2015 enlargement package adopted today by the european commission. The commission concluded that kosovo has made further progress. Perderisa formula e permiresuar per financimin nga qeveria qendrore ne komuna. Buxheti i kosoves 2015 pdf buxheti i kosoves pdf military. Koinieioni qendror i zgjedhjeve centiralna lzborna komisija. This agreement was then adopted by the government of the republic of kosovo on 30 october 2015, through the decision no.

Republika e kosoves ministria e integrimit europian. Balances of the current situation assessment of business sectors 15 graph 7. I udhehequr nga nje staf profesional, arrin te azhurohet me lajme ne cdo kohe nga rubrika e ekonomise, sporti, magazina, kultura, lifestyle, shendetesi, teknologji. Kosove article about kosove by the free dictionary. Portali i shtetit administrata tatimore e kosoves dogana e kosoves zyra e kryeministrit formularet e thesarit. Jun 22, 2016 ekonomia e kosoves dhe be s kapitulli 2 slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Buxheti i kosoves per vitin 20 2015 komunat page 4 of 20 nr. Ekonomia e kosoves dhe be s kapitulli 2 linkedin slideshare. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Pershkrimi pershkrimi 2011 2011 aktuale aktuale 2012 2012 buxheti buxheti 20 20 plani plani 2014 2014 vleresimi vleresimi 2015 2015 vleresimi vleresimi 616 617 prishtine shtime certifikatat dhe dokumentet zyrtare taksat e pajisjeve motorike lejet per ndertesa taksat tjera. Raporti financiar, eshte prezantuar buxheti dhe shpenzimet per vitin 2015, i shpalosur me detaje sipas kategorive dhe aktiviteteve te caktuara. Kosovos vast lignitecoal resources and strategic regional location. Economic indicators for kosovo including actual values, historical data charts, an economic calendar, timeseries statistics, business news, long term forecasts and shortterm predictions for kosovo economy.

Located on the balkan peninsula, it is bordered on the north and east by serbia, on the south by north macedonia, and. In this publication are summarized very important statistical data dealing with kosovo, in different time series. Shitja formular per rimb stand 2 1 3 shitja e sherbimeve 1,102 1,348 1,365 sherbimet e ndryshme policore 1,949 1,167 853 te hyrat nga shitja e mallrave 197 438 280 gazeta zyrtare zkm 20 18 30 shfrytezimi i prones publike 1,052 949 1,036 qiraja nga objektet publike 331 398 306. Republika kosovo, is a partiallyrecognised state in southeast europe, subject to a territorial dispute with the republic of serbia. Press council of kosovo is a selfregulatory body founded for and by the print media sector in kosovo. On 27 october 2015, the republic of kosovo and the european union signed the stabilisation and association agreement saa, in strasbourg. Mar 09, 2015 shtepite e bukura te kosoves shtepia e afrim tullarit 23. Republika e kosoves republika kosova republic of kosova. Republika e kosoves republika kosovarepublic of kosovo. Kosovo, selfdeclared independent country in the balkans region of europe. Economic indicators for kosovo including actual values, historical data charts, an economic calendar, timeseries.

Federata e futbollit e kosoves football federation of kosova, pristina. The structure of gdp in 2015 and 2016, nominal values, in millions of euro graph 4. Key figures in shik were current speaker of parliament of republic of kosovo, kadri veseli, and mps elmi. The report on kosovo is part of the 2015 enlargement package adopted today by the european commission. Buxheti i shpenzuar per qellimet e ketij programi ne vitin 2015 ishte 7. Although the united states and most members of the european union eu recognized kosovos declaration of independence from serbia in 2008, serbia, russia, and a significant number of other countriesincluding several eu membersdid not. Join facebook to connect with kurvat kosoves and others you may know.

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